Investment notes: Dennisson Technologies

September 26, 2022

Unlocking full VR immersion, redefining human capability, and beyond

Dennisson is creating the most low-profile, affordable Force Feedback Haptic Gloves on the market in order to deliver natural ‘touching’ and ‘holding’ experiences in the fast-growing virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) worlds. 

Dennisson’s co-founders Anvil and Kim are delivering this vision by developing a superior haptic experience built around the adaptation of a controllable, super-fast responding, robust, small, and low cost ‘artificial muscle’ of their own creation. They’re adapting leading-edge material science in unique ways.

Dennisson is building the right technology at the right time… providing a rare opportunity for investment. The ambitious, underlying technology has the genuine potential to achieve a ‘natural experience’ and ‘low production cost’ combination that will seize market position as haptic experiences are accelerated to complement visual and audible in the VR, AR, and MR worlds.

While the initial focus is to deliver a paradigm shift in haptics for online gaming and training, Dennisson’s technology and the experience it delivers will evolve as a platform to provide many solutions for human augmentation and beyond, including health, defense and mobility enhancement.

To ensure strong market fit and commercial focus from the start, Anvil and Kim are following a process of rigorous customer and channel discovery, and identifying the nexus partnerships that they should form to achieve their mission.

The team’s Startmate mentor squad includes Felix Wong, Tamara Mills, Chris Tian and me (John Wood, squad partner).

💜 What we love about the founders

Anvil and Kimberly are an exceptional team. 

They have a very clear vision to succeed in an exciting marketplace. But where they’ve knocked it out of the park is in the combination of their exceptional energy combined with their willingness to take on and demonstrate strong leadership characteristics in the hard, disciplined work of market discovery, planning and MVP resolution. The way these founders have responded to the stretch put to them in the Accelerator gives very strong evidence that this is a team with the spirit and endurance to launch their technology, product visions and company successfully.  

Dennisson founders Anvil Bañez and Kimberley Bañez

🔮 What's the magic?

All deep tech has risks… It is the ability of the founders and team to adapt and their resilience and willingness to challenge all assumptions that maximizes the potential for extraordinary outcomes.

My personal decision (NOAB.Ventures) to invest in Dennisson was based on the exceptional combination of the exciting technology and market with the strength and effective approach to business execution I’ve seen Anvil and Kimberly demonstrate during the Accelerator. 

Anvil and Kimberly shine brightly with the rare essence that is embodied by future-making entrepreneurs. Their professionalism in executing Dennisson’s magic builds overall confidence in the future of their efforts.  

🚀 Why now? 

With the enormous investment by many of the largest technology companies in the world into the VR, AR and MR revolution (including the metaverse), the next decade is going to see amazing transformation and growth. he ability to hold virtual objects and obtain a sense of touch to complement sight and hearing is a holy grail.  

Can the ‘holy grail’ for the hottest need in the intersection of the online and real worlds really be found in a startup in New Zealand… Hell yeah!!!

In the course of the Accelerator, our squad had the opportunity to introduce Anvil and Kimberly to a key future architect in the US who has been focal to major breakthrough campaigns including in Microsoft, Meta, Dreamworks and Disney. The pure, raw excitement of the exchange was awesome as both ends of the Zoom vividly described the magic moment of first experiencing an effective haptic extension to VR. What started as a market discovery call transformed into a MVP workshop… and then a full support relationship.  

The very best founders lead and co-opt other magic makers to their flag because a common spirit of ‘no limits’ is felt together. Having seen this in action with Dennisson, I am very happy to call out this opportunity as exceptional and worthy of full consideration by investors seeking deep technology efforts with real opportunity to be truly born global and to be part of the creation of the future.

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Written by
John WoodJohn Wood
John has a 30-year track record of successful entrepreneurship. He is the founder of NOAB.Ventures, a Startmate Mentor and Investor at Energy Lab and Climate Salad.

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