Ladymates Leadership

Join ANZ's first highly vetted, mentor-driven community for women in leadership.

Ladymates Leadership unleashes the next generation of women leaders in the ANZ startup ecosystem, accelerating professional development through exec coaching, peer-to-peer mentorship, exclusive workshops and a powerful women-led community.  

This membership is designed to help women navigate challenges, assert influence, nail difficult conversations and find an authentic and effective leadership style. 


Program Dates: Ongoing from OCT 7, 2024

Program Dates:
Ongoing from OCT 7, 2024


Applications Close: 11:59PM, AUGUST 12

Applications Close:
11:59PM, AUGUST 12


Program cost: Starting from $825 quarterly (INCL. GST)

Program cost:
Starting from $825 quarterly (INCL. GST)


Register for Startmate International Women’s Day

Register interest

Meet some of the incredible women in our community

What is
Ladymates Leadership?

This highly selective, 12 month membership includes:

  1. Executive coaching: recurring sessions with a highly regarded exec coach
  2. Peer advisory board: work through challenges you’re facing in your role, get feedback on decision-making, and soundboard ideas with peers in similar positions 
  3. In-person ‘level-ups’: IRL sessions tailored to the cohort and their unique needs (i.e. commanding a room with confidence, having tough conversations, influencing through storytelling etc)
  4. Optional socials and catch-ups: connect 1-1 or with small groups around a shared interest, location, etc.

We appreciate women in leadership are some of the busiest people out there, so this initiative is high impact, low time commitment (~1.5h per fortnight). 

To truly support our Ladymate Leaders, we want to continue iterating this initiative to best suit the women in our community. Book in a quick chat here to share your feedback and help us build this with you, and for you.


Are you a wildly ambitious founder and pre Series A fundraise?
The Accelerator is for you.


We're industry agnostic.

We've invested in companies spanning an insanely diverse range of industries. From ed-tech, health-tech, prop-tech and climate-tech to space-tech, fin-tech and legal-tech.


You're never too early.

67% of Accelerator companies had no revenue when they appliedand every cohort has had at least one company that is idea-stage and pre-MVP.


We strive for equal representation.

Diversity builds smarter solutions. Since 2021, 40% of our companies have 1 or more women co-founders.

Who is Ladymates Leadership for?

🚀 A leader in a startup or tech company

We appreciate that ‘leadership’ has varying definitions. This might look like: ‘Head of’ or ‘Chief of’ 'Founder' 'Senior Manager' etc.

If you are not quite at the ‘leadership’ level yet, we’d encourage you to check out Ladymates Collective - this is for women in startups at any level!

🙌 Women looking to navigate challenges and grow as a leader

We’re looking for ambitious women who aren’t content with the status quo. We want to support those who are ready to tackle the day-to-day challenges of leadership and chart their trajectory as a leader. 

👯 Women who want to build meaningful relationships with other women leaders

We believe you’re the average of the people you surround yourselves with, so why not surround yourself with other brilliant women in leadership? Ladymates Leadership is for those who want to make lifelong friends and allies to support them every step of their career.

Check out our
track record

  • 50% of companies raise post-accelerator
  • Startups raise an average of $1.8mil. off the back of the accelerator

Which membership is right for you

Join a community that will help you go from idea to IPO



We have over 3000+ of ANZ’s most talented operators in our community. Our incredible Startmate fellows are hungry to join a high-growth startup and ready to support you on your journey.



We have built an army of over 250 early stage investors who are inspired by your commitment to changing the world. They are here, ready to be your First Believers, and invest.



We invest in you from day one and continue to believe in you forever after. This is a unique fund in ANZ that automatically invests all Startmate pro-rata for our alumni, which means you can go into your fundraising conversations already knowing you have the Startmate pro-rata committed

Apply for the upcoming
Ladymates Leadership

Join ANZ's first highly vetted, mentor-driven community for up-and-coming women in leadership
What you’ll get out of the Accelerator 
  1. Investment: We invest AUD 120k in each company so that all your energy is focused on building your startup.
  2. Founder friends: You’ll be surrounded by a cohort of equally ambitious founders on the same journey.
  3. Pitch perfect: We’ll tear your pitch deck to shreds and by the end of the Accelerator you’ll have a bulletproof deck ready for investors.
  4. Launch your startup to the world: Pitch your startup to an audience of thousands at Demo Day.
  5. A product people want: You’ll spend 12 weeks laser-focused on your customer, how you can improve your product and the results to drive meaningful growth
  6. Mentorship: You’ll be partnered with ANZ’s most successful founders, operators and investors who have skin in the game and will run through brick walls to see you succeed 
  7. SME: We’ll connect you with subject matter experts who can provide tailored industry advice on how to approach your business
  8. Community: You’ll gain access to ANZ’s largest startup community of founders, operators and investors who are ready to support you on your journey.  
  9. World-class talent pool: Within our 2000+ startmate fellowship alumni are the hires you need to take your startup to the next level at your fingertips: pre-vetted, upskilled, and hungry to join a high-growth startup. 
  10. The best platform in ANZ to raise capital: Having the Startmate brand behind you will be a stamp of approval to every potential investor or employee you meet.


The right person at the right time to navigate your leadership and personal challenges


Exec coaching and personal advisory to excel in your career


Make lifelong friends on similar trajectories to support you every step of the way


Join ANZ's largest startup community


Is the program virtual or in-person?

The program is part virtual, part in-person. The executive coaching and advisory board sessions will be virtual, but the ‘level-ups’ and curated social events will be in person.

Due to confidentiality and the need to create a safe space for candid conversations, virtual sessions will not be recorded.

What is the time commitment?

On average, the compulsory time commitment is 1.5 hours per fortnight

Beyond this, participants are also encouraged to engage with each other and dig into bonus opportunities depending on their capacity.

What is the cadence?

There will be 1 x 90-minute virtual session per fortnight, alternating between Exec Coaching and Peer Advisory sessions. 

The specific day/time of these sessions will vary to suit your individual availability, as well as the availability of your Coaching and Peer Advisory group members. 

In addition to these fortnightly sessions, there will also be monthly in-person ‘level-up’ workshops, and optional social events and catch-ups.

Is attendance mandatory?

We believe you get out what you put in. Given the limited cohort size, we want participants who are ready to commit to their growth and are present to support their fellow Ladymate Leaders. 

For this reason, attendance is mandatory. Participants who miss more than one session may be withdrawn from the program*, so please get in touch if you have concerns about your availability.

*except in extenuating circumstances

I don’t know if I’m eligible

We appreciate that 'leadership' can be a bit hard to define, so we consider individual eligibility on a case-by-case basis.

  • As a general guideline, this night look like:some text
    • A ‘Head of’ or ‘Chief of’ level or higher
    • A senior manager (i.e. with a team of 3+ direct reports)
    • A Founder
  • If you believe your position in leadership sits outside these guidelines, we’d still encourage you to apply!

What type of mentoring/coaching will I receive?

There are three types of mentoring/support women will receive through Ladymates Leadership.

  • Firstly, there's small group exec coaching. We will match you with an exec coach based on your availability and individual goals.
  • Secondly, there is peer mentoring. We'll group the cohort into 'peer advisory groups', where women will be able to work through challenges, soundboard ideas, and get feedback from other Ladymates Leaders who are facing similar challenges.
  • Thirdly, there will be in-person 'level ups', where we will get a topic expert to come in to lead a workshop on something the Leaders request more support with.
    • Some examples of past sessions include ‘asserting influence through storytelling’ with Arabella Macpherson, ‘presence and body language’ with Lucy Allen, ‘having difficult conversations’ with May Samali, etc.  
    • The topic and expert will differ depending on what the women of the cohort request.

What is the investment? Are there any discounts?

Silver Membership

Price per Quarter (incl GST): $825
Price per Year (incl GST): $3,000


  • 10x Workshops: In-person, highly impactful to help you elevate your leadership skills, such as asserting influence, mastering difficult conversations, public speaking, etc.
  • 10x Peer Advisory Board Sessions: In-person, curated peer groups to soundboard & navigate challenges you’re facing in your career.
  • 4x Role Advisory Sessions: Virtual, meet-ups with other women in similar roles to navigate challenges & solve problems together.
  • Access to private social events: Hosted by & for your fellow Ladymates Leadership community.

Gold Membership

Price per Quarter (incl GST): $1,375
Price per Year (incl GST): $5,000


  • 10x Workshops: In-person, highly impactful to help you elevate your leadership skills, such as asserting influence, mastering difficult conversations, public speaking, etc.
  • 10x Peer Advisory Board Sessions: In-person, curated peer groups to soundboard & navigate challenges you’re facing in your career.
  • 4x Role Advisory Sessions: Virtual, meet-ups with other women in similar roles to navigate challenges & solve problems together.
  • Access to private social events: Hosted by & for your fellow Ladymates Leadership community.
  • 10x Group Exec Coaching: 90 minute sessions, max 5 women per group, matched based on shared goals & objectives, allocated a top exec coach best suited to achieving those desired outcomes.

Platinum Membership

Price per Quarter (incl GST): $3,575
Price per Year (incl GST): $13,000


  • 10x Workshops: In-person, highly impactful to help you elevate your leadership skills, such as asserting influence, mastering difficult conversations, public speaking, etc.
  • 10x Peer Advisory Board Sessions: In-person, curated peer groups to soundboard & navigate challenges you’re facing in your career.
  • 4x Role Advisory Sessions: Virtual, meet-ups with other women in similar roles to navigate challenges & solve problems together.
  • Access to private social events: Hosted by & for your fellow Ladymates Leadership community.
  • 10x Group Exec Coaching: 90 minute sessions, max 5 women per group, matched based on shared goals & objectives, allocated a top exec coach best suited to achieving those desired outcomes.
  • 10x 1-1 Exec Coaching: 90 minute sessions, one-on-one coaching, matched with a top exec coach who will mentor & support you improve business performance, enhance personal growth & increase confidence.

We recognise intersectional disadvantages, and we appreciate that some women are also impacted by additional discrimination (based on age, disability, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc). While we can't dismantle these systems on our own, Startmate offers partial scholarships for eligible candidates.

You can read more about our scholarships here.

Startmate also offers a range of discounts and scholarships. Our discounts include, but are not limited to:

  • 10% past Startmate fellows, mentors, coaches, and first believers
  • 50% founders of Startmate-funded companies (i.e. Accelerator or Small Bets Fund)
  • 10% employees of Startmate-funded companies
  • 20% if signing up as team of 3 or more from the same company