Brady Flockart

Head of Investments

previously Head of Investments

What is your role at Startmate?

Helping improve diversity across the ANZ investment landscape through First Believers. Also, quickly becoming our Deals Machine - anything in the investment process, my fingerprints will be all over!

Favourite Quote?

You are the most influential person you will talk to all day.

Favourite Book?

Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

What’s the first job you’ve ever had, and what did you learn from it?

Growing up on my family farm meant that authenticity, pragmatism, hard yakka, and a healthy dose of larrikinism were instilled in me from day one.

What would be your alternative career?

A Spy, although considering that I shared that with you might mean I wouldn't all be that good at it.

Startmate Team
Kel Spoerk
Head of Projects and Community
Maisy Bennett
Head of Platform
Jason Fang
Head of Finance & Fund Operations
Cameron Ensor
Founder Platform Manager
Renee Bibby
Senior Product Operations Associate
Matthew Kolomyjec
Fund Ops Manager
Ben Simai
Investment Manager
Akshat Pande
Finance Manager
Holly Brooks
Senior Marketing Manager
Emma Grife
Chief of Staff - Founders
Niel Reitmann
Product and Growth Associate
Kaya Moore
Program and Community Manager
Mia Millman
Program and Community Manager
Kate Herbert
Investments Associate
Nora Maja Schertwitis
Growth Marketing Associate
Louisa Lin
Founders Associate
Bell Allen
Junior Content Creator
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