Cassie Arangio

Community Growth Associate

previously Community Growth Associate

What is your role at Startmate?

My focus is on building our community up full of cool, innovative, diverse, curious, adventurous, creative people to continue cultivating the Aus/NZ startup ecosystem. I'm also Startmates' in house Murder Mystery coordinator (though that's not officially on my role description. Yet.)

Favourite Quote?

"Awareness is the greatest agent for change" -Eckhart Tolle

Favourite Book?

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

What’s the first job you’ve ever had, and what did you learn from it?

My first job was in a small privately owned Jewellery store- I learned that being on time = being late and being 5 minutes early = being on time (yes, the hard way). I also learned how to gift wrap in a VERY fancy way which lives on in my gift wrapping to date.

What would be your alternative career?

A Costume Designer for major productions. Or a Criminal Psych. I genuinely considered both of these options at different times in my life.

Startmate Team
Ryan Walker
Head of Product
Brady Flockart
Head of Investments
Maisy Bennett
Head of Platform
Ewa Lobaza
Head of Partnerships
Jason Fang
Head of Finance & Fund Operations
Matthew Kolomyjec
Fund Ops Manager
Kel Spoerk
Head of Projects and Community
Ben Simai
Investment Manager
Akshat Pande
Finance Manager
Emma Grife
Chief of Staff - Founders
Cameron Ensor
Project & Community Manager
Renee Bibby
Operations Associate
Niel Reitmann
Marketing Associate
Kaya Moore
Program and Community Manager
Holly Brooks
Content Marketing Lead
Mia Millman
Program and Community Manager
Kate Herbert
Investments Associate
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