Julia West

Project & Community Manager

previously Project & Community Manager

What is your role at Startmate?

I help build new communities and launch, design and facilitate new programs!

Favourite Quote?

Comparison is the thief of joy

Favourite Book?

An absolute lover of fiction, one of my favourites is The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafón - it completely transports you to the gothic streets of Barcelona in the mid-1940’s.

What’s the first job you’ve ever had, and what did you learn from it?

I worked at Wendy’s for almost 6 years. I perfected the ratio of cheese, mustard and tomato sauce to make the ultimate hotdog.

What would be your alternative career?

To own a permaculture farm. Don’t ask me for farming tips but I love the concept and thought of being surrounded by nature and animals every day!

Startmate Team
Brady Flockart
Head of Investments
Kel Spoerk
Head of Projects and Community
Maisy Bennett
Head of Platform
Jason Fang
Head of Finance & Fund Operations
Cameron Ensor
Founder Platform Manager
Renee Bibby
Senior Product Operations Associate
Matthew Kolomyjec
Fund Ops Manager
Ben Simai
Investment Manager
Akshat Pande
Finance Manager
Holly Brooks
Senior Marketing Manager
Emma Grife
Chief of Staff - Founders
Niel Reitmann
Product and Growth Associate
Kaya Moore
Program and Community Manager
Mia Millman
Program and Community Manager
Kate Herbert
Investments Associate

Articles by

Julia West